Cleanse your Orgone Energy
Balance your Chakras
Elevate your Consciousness

New Powerful Orgonite Chakra Necklace

Orgone energy is life energy! Most of us feel more positive and energized when we are near waterfalls, lakes and mountains. This is because the positive orgone energy (the life force from living things) abounds. However, in concrete jungles and homes that are filled with inanimate objects, there is an excess of negative orgone energy (energy from non-living things). Combined with Electromagnetic Frequencies (EMF) emitted by all your electronic devices (wifi, phones, smart televisions, etc), your Orgone energy can become stagnant and negative, resulting in blockages to your energy and chakras!

Elevate To A Higher Level
of Consciousness

Your breathtakingly beautiful Orgonite Chakra Necklace is handcrafted from ethically sourced materials and works to balance your positive and negative orgone energies. The eco-resin connects with the positive orgone energy, while the carefully layered metals absorb the negative orgone energy. This cleanses and renews the life force in and around you. Balanced Orgone energy also blocks the frequency of EMF pollution emitted by your modern electrical devices, allowing the Orgone life force to flow freely through you, balancing your chakras and harmonizing your mind, body and spirit.

Healing crystals have been carefully layered through the orgonite necklace. Once the Orgone energy has been cleansed and renewed, the energy & power from these carefully chosen crystals is able to flow freely, elevating you to an even higher state of consciousness, while providing you with balance, calmness, and healing, no matter where you are.

Crafted by a Crystal
Reiki Master

Our Crystal Reiki Master is an expert in crystal energy healing. He blends the right healing crystals in the correct quantities and layers, so you can enjoy the holistic benefits of each crystal in full. Each necklace takes 77 hours to hand craft before being charged in the Brazilian sun, home of powerful ancient ley lines and energies that flow from the life force of the Amazon jungle.

Healing Crystals contain a powerful transformational energy that helps you enjoy a more conscious and mindful life. Through their powerful vibrational energy, the healing crystals work to raise your own vibration frequency, creating meaningful change in all areas of your life.


Powerful & protective, transmuting negative energy into love while relieving stress and providing a sense of calmness and peace.


Contains gentle healing
properties, bringing order and calmness to the chaotic mind.

Blue Kyanite

Aligns Chakras and helps with meditation and tuning in to positive vibrational energies.

Green Quartz

Opens and balances the Heart Chakra, healing and stabilizing emotions, while stimulating creativity and intuition.


Energizes life at all levels. Raises self-confidence, attracts wealth & prosperity, and imparts joy, wonder and happiness.


Restores vitality and motivation, encouraging steadfastness and building emotional resilience.

Red Jasper

Highly protective while gently stimulating. Helps overcome worry and calms anxiety. Nurtures and sustains through troubled times.

Why Wear An Orgonite Chakra Necklace?

Cleanse & Renew
Your Orgone Energy
Balance & Align
Your 7 Chakras
Block Negative Orgone Energy
Emitted By EMF Frequencies
Elevate to a Higher
State of Consciousness
Connect With The Life
Force Of The Universe
Enjoy Harmony Between
Your Mind, Body, Soul
Find Calmness
and Healing
Strengthen and Harmonize
Your Natural Energy Field
Warning! Not all Orgonite is created equal! Don’t be fooled by cheap imitations - only a necklace carefully crafted and charged by an expert Crystal Reiki Master will cleanse your Orgone energy and balance your Chakras!


Cleanse powerful Orgone energy while blocking harmful EMF frequencies, to find balance & healing of your mind, body and soul, allowing you to elevate to a higher level of consciousness and mindfulness.

Get Your Authentic
Orgonite Chakra Necklace Today!

Note, due to the hand crafted nature of these necklaces, there are limited numbers available!
Be quick, these are
selling out fast!

Look at what others are saying about this 
stunning Orgonite Chakra Necklace!

Absolutely love this pendant. Have found such peace and calm since placing around my neck. Making a huge difference daily keeping positive energy strong and the negative is being overpowered! It is soooo much better than the previous version! So thankful for this beautiful find!!

Pauline B.
I love this store!!
I'm so pleased with my order, super fast shipping, very elegant packaging and the quality of the necklace plus the bracelets I received are very high and authentic. They not only look really nice but are very powerful healing tools. I don't go anywhere now without my necklace as it brings me inner peace and a clear mind. I highly recommend this store as there products are amazing and exactly as advertised on their website not to mention the awesome pricing very reasonable for the quality you get.

Jenna G.
Nice Orgone Pendant!
This is a substantial piece of orgone; good color range mirroring the chakras on a nice leather cord. I prefer this chakra pendant as it is larger and free hanging from a leather cord. It holds power well and is stabilizing for me when I wear it. I’m very pleased.

Julie S.
Chakra or gone necklace
I really like the design of this necklace and its not too big.. It's sometimes hard to tell the size..I just feel good when I wear it!!!

Tonya Pignata
A unique necklace, that is beautiful.
When I put it on I immediately get a relaxing, calming effect. It helps me with my chronic pain. It being so colorful it goes well with anything I own.

Candace Cooper
Chakra necklace
Great improvement from the original.

Hilda Pomposo

Get Your Authentic
Orgonite Chakra Necklace Today!

Note, due to the hand crafted nature of these necklaces, there are limited numbers available!
Be quick, these are
selling out fast!
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DISCLAIMER: This product is not a medical device. This product is not intended for use in the diagnosis of disease or other conditions, or in the cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Consult with your doctor before using if you have any pre-existing medical condition or are taking any medication. Use in conjunction with a well balanced diet and regular intense exercise program. 
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